Sewage Engineering Accessories

Here you will find all the accessories you need for the operation of our pipe plugs and shut-off plugs, such as filling hoses, compressed air bottles, control units or stopcocks. EPUTEC also offers 2 complete house connection pipe testing systems as a set, as well as protective rubbers for pipe sealing pads.

Druckminderer mit Absperrhahn

Pressure reducer with stopcock, application range 0.1 – 3 bar, G 1/4″

Pressure regulator for compressed air, ideal for use in wastewater and sewer technology.

Pressure reducer for reducing pressure while filling shut-off bladders, pipe sealing bags and renovation packers using compressed air bottles or compressors. However, we expressly do not recommend this product as an aid for constant pressure monitoring over a longer period of time.

Schutzgummi für Rohrdichtkissen

Protective rubber for pipe sealing pads

Model DN

Protective rubbers for pipe sealing cushions protect your cushions from damage and external influences. The protective rubber can be easily pulled over the pipe sealing pad with the eyelets. Different sizes from 300 – 1700 mm rubber length available.


House connection pipe testing system 80-150 mm

Model DS 8/15

House connection pipe testing system for leak tests of house connections of 80 – 150 mm nominal diameter with air. Contains all fittings and accessories required for leak tests according to DIN EN 1610.

Prüf–Rohrdichtkissen für Luft HPU 8/15

1 pc. Test Pipe Seal Cushion for Air HPU 8/15

Prüf–Rohrdichtkissen für Luft und Wasser HPU 8/15 W

1 pc. Test pipe sealing pad for air and water HPU 8/15 W

Rohrdichtkissen HU 8/15

1 pc. Pipe Sealing Cushion HU 8/15

Befüllarmatur mit Manometer 0–4 bar

1 pc. Filling armature with manometer 0-4 bar

Prüfarmatur für die Dichtheitsprüfung mit Luft

1 pc. Test armature for the leak test with air

Digitales Manometer mit Schlauch, 1 m

1 pc. Digital manometer with hose, 1 m


Push bar 4 pcs. 2 m, 1 pc. 1 m, 2 pcs. 0,5 m

Halteeseil mit Karabinerhaken, 10 m

1 pc. Holding rope with snap hook, 10 m

Reduktion MINI/V – 7,2/R

1 pc. Reduction MINI/V – 7,2/R

Reduktion MINI/R – 7,2/V

1 pc. Reduction MINI/R – 7,2/V

1 Transport case


House connection pipe testing system 100-200 mm

Model DS 10/20

House connection pipe testing system for leak tests of house connections of 100 – 200 mm nominal diameter with air and water. Contains all fittings and accessories required for leak tests according to DIN EN 1610.

Prüf–Rohrdichtkissen HPU 10/20

1 pc. Test Pipe Seal Pads HPU 10/20

Rohrdichtkissen HU 10/20

1 pc. Pipe Sealing Cushion HU 10/20

Befüllarmatur mit Manometer 0–4 bar

1 pc. Filling armature with manometer 0-4 bar

Druckluftadapter für die Luftprüfung

1 pc. Compressed air adapter for air testing

Absperrhahn G1" mit GEKA Kupplungen

1 pc. Stopcock G1″ with GEKA couplings


1 pc. float

Sicherheitsarmatur 300 mbar für die Luftprüfung

1 pc. safety fitting 300 mbar for air testing


Push bar 4 pcs. 2 m, 1 pc. 1 m, 2 pcs. 0,5 m

Adapter für digitales Manometer

1 pc. Adapter for digital manometer

Entlüftungs- und Prüfschlauch mit GEKA Kupplungen, 5 m

1 pc. Venting and test hose with GEKA couplings, 5 m

Halteeseil mit Karabinerhaken, 10 m

1 pc. Holding rope with snap hook, 10 m

Reduktion MINI/V – 7,2/R

1 pc. Reduction MINI/V – 7,2/R

Reduktion MINI/R – 7,2/V

1 pc. Reduction MINI/R – 7,2/V

1 Transport case

Füllschlauch mit Schnellverschlusskupplungen

Filling hose with quick-connect couplings, 3 – 10 m

Steuerorgan mit Sicherheitsventil

Control unit with safety valve 0.5 – 12 bar, 0.5 – 12 V


Pressure reducer 200/8 – 300/8 bar


Compressed-air tank 5 – 7 l


Hand Air Pump

Adapter für Reifenventil

Adapter for tire valve

Schnellverschlusskupplung für Reifenventil

Quick coupling for tire valve

Halteseil mit Karabinerhaken 5 - 10 m

Holding rope with snap hooks 5 – 10 m

Füllschlauch Poly-Lift mit Einstecknippeln und optional Schnellverschlusskupplung, 5 - 15 m

Filling hose Poly-Lift with plug-in nipples and optional quick-connect coupling, 5 – 15 m

Adapter Schnellverschlusskupplung für Reifenventil

Adapter quick coupling for tire valve

Entlüftungs- und Messschlauch 6 m, für PU 10/20

Venting and measuring hose 6 m, for PU 10/20

Entlüftungs- und Messschlauch 6 m, für PU 20/50, PU 50/80, PU 50/120

Venting and measuring hose 6 m, for PU 20/50, PU 50/80, PU 50/120

Entlüftungs- und Messschlauch 6 m, für PU 30/60 F, PU 50/100 F

Venting and measuring hose 6 m, for PU 30/60 F, PU 50/100 F

Absperrhahn Storz D 25 , C 52, B75, A 110

Stopcock Storz D 25, C 52, B75, A 110

Absperrhahn mit Schlauch

Stopcock with hose

Steuerorgan mit Sicherheitsventil 8 - 12 bar

Control unit with safety valve 8 – 12 bar

Doppel Steuerorgan mit Sicherheitsventil 8 - 12 bar

Double control unit with safety valve 8 – 12 bar

Kanaldeckelheber mit 400 kg Hubkraft - mit 100 cm Magnet

Manhole cover lifter magnetic with 400 kg lifting force